Create Magnetic Sexual Attraction With Emotional Masculinity

One way to make a woman feel a magnetic sexual attraction for you is to display a trait that I call emotional masculinity.

And not just any level of emotional masculinity, but strong emotional masculinity.

To help you understand how it works, think of a tree that can withstand a storm.

That tree may bend, but it doesn’t break.

It doesn’t get uprooted.

It’s so strong, with roots so deep and gripping the earth so well, that it doesn’t fall over and doesn’t get uprooted.

Now think of a tree that doesn’t have strong roots beneath it, and a medium-level wind comes along and it starts to really sway.

It’s nearly going to topple over, and then a stronger gust of wind comes, and the tree just falls over.

That’s what women experience when they interact with most men.

A woman can be talking to a man, and he may have muscles.

He may be tall.

He is obviously much stronger than her physically.

But all she really has to do is challenge him a little bit during the conversation, say something that challenges him, or maybe even say something a little bit mean to him in the moment, and he, as the tree, will start looking like it’s going to fall over.

It’s going to just topple over.

And if she adds a little bit more pressure, he breaks, and she has broken him in the moment.

Some guys may feel like women are mean for doing that.

They really shouldn’t do that when they’re talking to men.

They should just be nice, show some respect, be nice, treat me well.

But the thing is, the way that a woman behaves is like a mirror of how the world behaves.

If you interact with other people in life, sometimes they’ll be nice to you.

Sometimes they’ll be reassuring.

Sometimes they’ll be helpful.

But other times, you’ll come across people who are challenging.

Other times, you’ll come across people who are bullies.

Other times, you’ll come across people who couldn’t give a crap about what you want and are just trying to make sure that they get what they want, and it doesn’t matter what happens to you.

They couldn’t give a crap about you.

You’ll come across those people as well.

And likewise, if you’ve ever tried to achieve something big in life, you’ll know that it’s almost always not a straight line to success.

You look into any person who’s become successful, and in approximately 99% of cases, they will have encountered obstacles on the way to becoming successful.

It wouldn’t have been a straight line to success for them in terms of, oh, I want to be a sports star, then, okay, I just go and play the game, and the next thing I know, I’m a champion.

So, a man doesn’t need to become a champion sports star in order to attract women.

And he doesn’t need to have achieved anything big in life or anything like that.

Instead, a woman just needs to see that he has the capacity, he has the ability to be able to handle some pressure.

He’s not the sort of guy that’s just going to fall over like a tree without deep roots if he’s challenged a little bit, and he’s just going to fall over and give up.

So this is one of the reasons why a guy can look great when he goes out to a bar or when he goes on a date with a woman, and the woman can look at him as looking great, but when she’s interacting with him, if she notices that he can’t handle any pressure that she puts on him in the moment, it starts to turn her off.

Because a woman’s attraction to a man does work differently.

We men don’t look to women to be someone who’s going to protect us from the big bad world out there.

But women have that natural instinct to want to align themselves with a man who has the capability to protect them and is not going to be bullied by other people or even by her.

And that doesn’t mean that a man needs to be very tough and be like a thug and get into fights to hopefully attract a woman and impress her.

Instead, it’s about his emotional masculinity, his ability to handle pressured situations.

What you’ll find as a man as you go through life is that in pretty much 100% of the situations that you encounter, you don’t actually have to get into a physical fight or anything like that.

A man can go for the rest of his life not getting into a fight but get his way, be respected, and not be bullied, not be pushed around simply because he has strong emotional masculinity.

So when it comes to a woman, if she feels like all she has to do is say something a bit challenging or difficult to the guy when she’s interacting with him, or seem like she has disliked something he said, or say something about him that is a little bit negative to see how he reacts, if he can’t handle that and remain strong and steady like a tree that has some light winds or medium winds blowing about and instead he starts to really sway and look like he’s going to topple over, then the woman feels like, okay, she’s going to be able to walk all over this guy, and it’s not going to be fun for her.

Because that’s going to mean in order to be able to get along with him, she’s going to have to be very nice and reassuring all the time, and she’s going to have to pretend that everything’s okay when it’s not.

Her instincts want her to be with a man who is like that strong tree with deep, strong roots of emotional masculinity, where the challenges from her or from life aren’t going to be something that will topple him over.

Sure, if there is a strong storm, then he may bend a little bit, may sway a little bit with the wind, but he’s not going to fall over.

So I mentioned a magnetic sexual attraction.

And as you may know, the way that magnets work is that when there is a North and South Pole, the magnets are attracted to each other.

Yet if you put the South Pole and South Pole together or the North Pole and North Pole together, they are repelled by each other.

Additionally, if there’s a weak charge in the pole of the magnets, then they aren’t really very strong magnets.

They don’t stick together very well.

You can just pull them apart very easily.

And that’s what happens for most men who struggle to attract women with their emotional masculinity.

Because they interact with women in one of the following ways.

If a man is neutral when he’s interacting with a woman, just getting along with her, then there will be that weak attraction.

Yes, he is masculine, and she is feminine.

He is the male, she is the female.

But there really isn’t much of a strong difference because he’s just being neutral and getting along with her.

Another guy will basically be the same as her.

So he will think that he needs to laugh and giggle like she is laughing and giggling and try to imitate her behavior to get along with her, imitate her energy.

If she’s being really girly about things, he’s being really silly about things, and so forth.

And he tries to be like her to hopefully be liked by her and then create the attraction, but he ends up being more feminine like her, and it doesn’t create the attraction.

That doesn’t mean that a man can’t laugh or be silly and playful and so forth.

Instead, what it does mean is that a man shouldn’t be trying to imitate and mimic the woman and get on her energy to hopefully be liked by her.

Because if he does that, he then becomes like her, and there’s no magnetic sexual attraction.

Now another guy may go to the other extreme, where he really wants to act very masculine, very tough.

I’m very aloof.

I just don’t give a crap.

I’m doing my own thing in life.

You want to be with me, chase me.

And he’s basically trying to act like he’s super masculine, but it’s coming from a place of insecurity, where he feels like he needs to prove something to the woman.

And the woman picks up on that, and she instinctively knows that he lacks emotional masculinity.

He isn’t that strong tree with the deep roots, who is strong and steady and knows who he is.

He is a man who is pretending to be strong, but really, if she were to challenge him by rejecting him, saying something negative about him, pretending not to be interested in him, playing hard to get, and so on, then he would really start to struggle with the pressure.

She would then notice that he was feeling insecure, annoyed, frustrated, rejected, or any other negative emotion.

Essentially, he can’t handle that type of pressure from a woman.

And from that, she realizes that he’s just not strong enough for a woman like her.

Now, that doesn’t mean a woman like her is going to be difficult to be with.

Instead, women like that only show their warm, loving side to men who are strong enough to bring that side of them out and keep it out.

Men who can’t handle the pressure get her cold side because she doesn’t want the guy to get the wrong impression that he can be weak around her, and she will accept that.

She wants a man with strong emotional masculinity.

And when you have that as a man, it makes you so much stronger in life.

It also makes it easier for you to succeed because you’re so emotionally strong.

You don’t buckle under pressure, and you don’t just give up like other guys.

You remain strong, you keep going, you go after what you want.

And by the way, before I continue, if you want an exclusive lesson on emotional masculinity, which includes examples of what to say and do to display emotional masculinity in a way that makes a woman feel sexually and romantically attracted to you, then head over to to watch the lesson.

It also includes an exclusive technique that you can use to display emotional masculinity whether you are single or in a relationship.

And it’s also something that you can use when having sex with a woman to make her feel so much more turned on, so much more attracted to you, and enjoy the sex so much more.

And of course, at Master Attraction, there isn’t just one lesson on emotional masculinity.

Instead, I teach you all of the traits that make women feel sexually and romantically attracted to you.

And the more attractive traits you’re able to display when interacting with a woman, the more irresistibly attractive you are.

So, a final point to help you is that sometimes when men are around a woman, they will notice that she seems soft and delicate and innocent and nice and fragile.

And as a result, the man then will mistakenly assume that he needs to really be soft with her now, and gentle, and be extra nice because she seems delicate.

She doesn’t seem strong and brave and tough, so he feels like he needs to be extra soft with her.

But the problem in doing that is that it doesn’t create that magnetic sexual attraction where she feels his masculinity.

He ends up creating a weak magnetic attraction at best.

But if he goes too far with it, he ends up being more like her, being more soft and more delicate, which then cancels out the magnetic sexual attraction.

So it’s very important as a man to understand how to express your masculinity around women.

Because if you don’t do that, you will automatically cancel out the sexual attraction that she could feel for you in the moment.

She could be absolutely sexually attracted to you.

She could really want you and really feel turned on by you if you’re able to display your masculinity in a way that causes her to feel that magnetic attraction.

So I hope that helps you understand what emotional masculinity is.

And if you want to get the exclusive lesson, I’ll see you over at Master Attraction.

If not, I’ll see you in the next video on YouTube, which will be on another topic.

Until then.

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