$722.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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(Lifetime Member) Part payments

You're saving 30.5% by paying a total of $2887 in 4 installments of $722, rather than $4154 if you joined the monthly plan.

Here's what you get:

  • Monthly video lessons: Two new video lessons by Dan Bacon every month that teach you what to say and do to display the traits that make women feel sexual and romantic attraction.
  • Guaranteed 5 years of lessons: It will take a little over 5 years to complete all of the 124 lessons, at two lessons per month. Dan guarantees to complete those lessons for you as a Lifetime Member. ($4154 value). Dan will also likely continue providing additional lessons on new topics for years after that, which will be at no cost to you, saving you even more in the long run.
  • Instant results: Apply what you learn in the first two lessons to get instant results (e.g., a date or kiss with a new woman or a renewed sexual spark in your relationship).
  • Increasing attractiveness: Become increasingly attractive to women every month by learning what to say and do to display the 124 traits that make women feel sexually and romantically attracted.
  • Advice and support: Get advice and support from fellow members, make friends, or even meet up in person (optional).
  • Exclusive posts from Dan: Get members only insights and strategies from Dan that help you achieve results faster and easier.

In order to maintain a committed and focused community, we don't offer a money-back guarantee. However, you have the freedom to cancel your account at any time with just one click. No questions asked.

Get ready to experience what it's like to be irresistibly attractive to women!